Back when I made a lot less money than do now, I dated a cam girl. When we first started seeing each other, I knew she did some modeling, but I didn’t know what type. After a while, I started asking more questions and asking to see some of her work. That was when she confessed to me that she was masturbating while strangers paid to watch. Part of me felt like I should be mad, but the other part felt really turned on. She didn’t know it, but I started going into her chats and watching her interact with the guys. Knowing that they all wanted her and were getting off to her, but I was the one getting to fuck her, was really arousing. It wasn’t like she was cheating on me. I knew she was doing it and I told her I was okay with it. Plus, she made a lot of money and I reaped some of the rewards from it. I loved that aspect.
Could I have sold her to another guy and actually watched as he fucked her? No. In fact, we broke up after I learned that she had met up with one of the guys from the cam site after he offered her a couple grand. I was furious.
Some men are totally willing to rent out their girlfriends though and you can watch them with this Sell Your GF discount for up to 84% off.
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